So I thought I'd try write a post today on everything that has happened today! As there is quite a lot!
So first, last night i actually went to bed pretty early for me so I woke refreshed and feeling good, so I got up, got ready and walked to uni, we had a guest speaker from the catering business and then i had an interview for a job at the university and I'm not sure how that went, i felt I just blabbed my way through it, I don't know where most of the bleeding answers came from! But I find out if I get that tomorrow but I've also had a text from a lloyds chemist asking if i'd be able to work a few nights in the week which would be great for me as it means i'd be able to go home at the weekend! So I'm going to see what happens tomorrow.
I also joined the gym today, would you believe its £45 for the year along with spa facilities! Crazy right, perks of being a student.
I also finished watching all the seasons of True Blood which I'm sad I have nothing to watch now but my god it's freaking brilliant! Eric <3
Another thing, got the Warm Bodies book today my Isaac Marion. Heard some good reviews so got it and the film comes out early next year! AND Nicholas Hoult is playing the main character! Yum.
What else, what else?
So Halloween is tomorrow, so it's going to be a messy one. What am I going to be for Halloween? Drunk.
I'm going as a cat by the way, I'll upload some pictures on Thursday, don't know how I am going to get through that day!
Anyway, TTFN
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